Elevate Social Solutions:

Guiding connections one interaction at a time.

As the world is becoming more connected through the internet and fast travel options, people are becoming more isolated.

Loneliness is a problem that you cannot solve alone. You need another human being to solve it, as much as they need you.

How We Elevate

Each session guided by a modulator will make talking to another individual seamless.

  • First icebreakers will be used to warm the group up.
  • Then some key principles that can aid conversations like mirroring, labeling, the 70/30 rule, multiple thread responses, fact sharing vs emotional engagement techniques, etc will be shared with the group.
  • Then pre-developed question prompts will be used to get conversations between participants going until they can flow easily and naturally.
  • Different interactive games will be played to inject some fun into the experience.

The goal of each session is to help you navigate the process of talking with another individual AND hopefully have a fun experience while doing so.

One of my favorite quotes by Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers: The Story of Success is – “Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good.”

So the goal of repeated engagement with these practice sessions is that you will push yourself beyond your limits, expanding your comfort zone regarding social interactions. Ultimately learn how to start and maintain a conversation in social settings.
